Artist Statement

Art to Connect With

I make acrylic paintings and I experiment with mixed-media elements. I am interested in the theory of biophilia: the hypothesis of the human instinct to connect with nature. I am also interested in exploring Wabi Sabi, a Japanese aesthetic that celebrates impermanence. This shows up in my work through the use of reclaimed distressed fabrics and natural ephemera.

My goal is to apply each medium in a way that emphasizes the texture of the materials. I imagine each piece to be an amalgam of ideas and experiences funneled through me to tell a story about the subject. 

When I was a child, I drew cats and animals, trying to capture their essence. Later, I used art to express my emotions but I returned to the quiet subject of nature as I became more peaceful.

I collected textures in the form of photographs to use in Photoshop during my BFA studies. I continue to use photography to collect textures and reference materials. But I also collect natural ephemera.

My curiosity about fabrics and threads began in childhood when I attempted to create outfits for dolls and continued even as I failed at learning to sew.

My paintings have been described as peaceful and I would like to take that feeling with me into the future through color and subject choices. I am looking to work larger and explore more varied materials. I am also exploring the Lake Superior shores for inspiration from home.

-Taryn Okesson

visual artist, mixed media acrylic painter and photographer Taryn Okesson in her art studio Marquette County, Michigan Studio.


Oops! That’s mine. All images on this site belong to Taryn Okesson©️